Wednesday, January 20, 2010

OPTIMISM - Jack Canfield Being Realistic About Positive Thinking

Fans of The Secret and the "Law of Attraction" talk alot about believing that the world will conspire to make a positive thinker successful. I totally agree that visualizing success and  being optimistic are needed to prepare for success. But I also believe that positive thinking isn't enough. You also have to follow through with action. You have to do the work.

This one-minute video by Jack Canfield does a great job of presenting a practical, grounded view of the power of optimism.

Jack Canfield is the founder and co-creator with Mark Victor Hansen of the legendary best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul book series.


V. Shane Browning said...

Being a reverse paranoid...I found this to be a powerful 1 minute reminder of the need to master one's thinking...bringing every thought into captivity...and controlling the actions that result from those thoughts.

V. Shane Browning
Twitter: vsbrowning

Martina McGowan said...
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Martina McGowan said...

Each and every thing that happens to us, positive and negative, should be opportunities to learn, grow, improve, re-think our strategy, examine ourselves, etc. All should propel us onto a path of action, and not reaction. We cannot only think, eventually we must do.
Amen, a voice of reason.